Is therapy right for you right now?
You’re stressed and overwhelmed. The last thing you want to do is focus on negative emotions in therapy right now.
If you have kids at home, you may feel you don’t have the time (or energy) to deal with what you’re feeling right now. The thought of rehashing things in therapy just doesn’t sound helpful.
You’re just trying to manage the new normal. You’re playing a million different roles, or at least if feels like a million. Your strength and patience are being tested. And you’re just plain exhausted!
But, did you know that it’s in these moments of struggle where the biggest growth and change happen?
It’s in your emotions of uncomfortableness that you learn so much about yourself. As meek or overwhelming as things may feel, it’s an opportunity to learn from these feelings and gain a more sustained well being. It’s not uncommon for challenging times to re-trigger memories or reactions from the past. And it’s easy to become a master at putting it aside, ignoring it, or return to old patterns to cope.
But what would life be like if you were able to begin facing these patterns? To be able to cope in stressful times with ease rather than fear and overwhelm? If these old ways didn’t overtake you so easily? To be heard, understood, and let it out?
When you learn how to move towards this part of you, listen to it, and understand it in way you haven’t before, then you gain control back versus the other way around. You find relief is right there underneath, along with confidence and strength. You also take from it: Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding. The most important tool you can have for any situation in your life.
When we move towards something that makes us uncomfortable and scared, we gain true power and control.
Imagine not judging yourself but be accepting of what is coming up for you. Learning from it so you can use if for your good, your future, and your relationships. AND, knowing how to manage the emotions and reactions as they do come up.
I keep hearing how we’re all going to come out of this with a new skill and/or knowledge given the amount of time we have. So many people are learning new languages. Some are finding a new hobby or passion. Some are learning or creating great cooking skills and recipes.
What if you come out of this finding your wonderful, authentic self? Finally getting peace. Realize just how strong and resilient you are. So, I ask again,
Is therapy right for you right now?
“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt, You Learn by Living: Eleven Keys for a More Fulfilling Life
If you’re needing extra support through these unusual times or would like to take this time to work through repeating and difficult emotions, please contact me for a 20-minute free therapy consultation to learn more. Telehealth services are available.