Faith and Belief
I have been absent for a while. Not truly absent, but absent in sharing, blogging, and posting. It’s been an exciting, yet busy, two months. Making some very adult decisions which for me can be anxiety driven. As I’m sure for many of you. Decisions not just for myself, but decisions that can have an impact on many. These are the toughest decisions to make. And because of that, it’s been tough to also be inspirational, present, and internally focused as I like to be.
I don’t mean internally focused as “it’s all about me.” Rather, internally focused as in checking in with myself. My thoughts, emotions, internal reactions. There are seasons in our life when so much is going on, that its hard to keep up the moments of checking in.
Ironically, these are also probably the most important times to check in.
By the middle of all the noise, I realized it was time for me to dig deep. It was time for me to make sure I have my sounding board to sort through things. And it has been wonderful. Scary, but wonderful all at the same time. Being able to step back and recognize all the old stuff that likes to creep up in your mind. The old messages that were created from previous life experiences. The ones that don’t allow belief and faith that it can be done. That You Are good enough. You Do Got this.
With every new season of growth comes the old messages that want to stop you. Are you sure you want to do this? What if this? What if that?
And sometimes it takes hearing from others, “Okay so what if? Will your world end? Probably not.”
Thoughts are strong and powerful. So are thoughts of faith and belief.
[caption id="attachment_4826" align="aligncenter" width="300"]I’m so excited for the road ahead. Both for what it may bring but also because I know I’m growing stronger as I face the fear of the unknown.
So, I invite you today to take a step back, check in with yourself. Whether it is through talking with someone, journaling, prayer, or meditation.