Journal Tips for Stress Relief – But What Do I Write?
Posted: November 27, 2018
I have nothing to say...
That dreaded blank page. Getting out the journal is anxiety driven. Throat and chest tighten. “What am I supposed to write? I don’t have anything to say.”
Well, can you just start there:
“I don’t know what to say. I feel weird doing this. Why did my therapist suggest I do this? I don’t like it.” And just keep going. This is the great thing about journal writing. There is no right or wrong. It doesn’t have to be a specific something. Begin with the thoughts you notice in this moment. Your mind already knows what to do. You’re just putting it hand to paper, literally!Are you still stuck? Here are a few ideas:
- Right now, I feel…
- I can feel it in my (where do you feel it in your body? Chest, throat, jaw, stomach?)
- Today I’m grateful for…
- Today my day was (good, bad, long, stressful?)
- I can’t believe…
- Hope for…
- Wish that…
- Google “journal entry ideas”
- Journal your prayers or a dialogue with your deity
- Write a letter to someone saying whatever you want to say, (and I mean WHATEVER!) knowing this letter will never be sent to him or her. Get it off your chest. Maybe a spouse, partner, parent, friend, boss?
- Have a dialogue between your adult self and child self. We all have that inner child. This is a place to allow that inner child to express him or herself. A place to be heard and understood.
Journal ideas are endless.
Don’t forget, you can always draw and color too!
A few more pointers:- Find a place that is quiet and calming for you
- A place and time when you won’t be interrupted
- Light a candle and put on some soft music
- Grab a pillow and blanket
- Close your eyes
- Take a few deep breaths, check in with your body or mood and begin!
- Laugh. Cry. But also notice how your feel when you’re done.