Finding it hard to feel Hope? Coping tools for stress

Hope is not showing it's pretty, little head right now.  But it is there.

It can be hard to find when it’s buried so down deep, you can’t see it or touch it.

It’s lost and forgotten.  Underneath all the pain, anger, hurt, betrayal, sadness, fear.

It feels like the same bad luck keeps happening to you over and over.  Negativity feels like it’s surrounding you.

You want so much to have hope again, but exhaustion makes you want to give up.

But hope is still alive.

And it actually doesn’t take as much effort as you think to reach it again.  It’s just starting with the first layer.  How?  By simply pausing to listen to what’s there.  Just listen and attempt to love, understand, and accept each layer of you.

We’re complex

Our world is complex

And we’re interacting with other complex human beings

You don’t have to push or force your way through emotions.

Just say hello, acknowledge and let each layer tell its story.  Just like you would to a hurt child.

That’s it.

And as each layer is peeled and healed, you’ll begin to see that glimmer of light that is Hope.

Here are just a few coping tools for stress that can help work through the layers that are hiding HOPE, and a few ways to find hope again:

  • Journal or talk to someone to release all the emotions that have piled up.  Click here if your new to journaling and need some tips.
  • Cry it out
  • Crunch it out through exercise
  • Pray for hope, guidance, direction, peace
  • Write down and carry Bible verses, quotes, or stories that remind you of Hope
  • Gratitude or Blessings list is a good way to wake us up from negativity.  Reminding us we are not completely without.
  • Imagine drawing your timeline.  Is it all lows, or are there also waves of peace, happiness, joy?  A good reminder that this too shall pass.
  • Take a step back and ask yourself, “What am I learning from this situation?  What am I learning about myself in this situation?”  Periods of struggle are the best opportunities for growth and change.  Are you learning anything that you can take away and want to keep going once this moment passes?
  • Do a good deed.  One way to bring hope back is by bringing hope to someone else. Hopefully, this will cause a ripple effect.

One thing in your control is YOU.  I have HOPE in you.

If you're regular coping tools for stress are not working and feel you need deeper work with one on one therapy to find hope again, please check out my website for how I may be able to help, or you can contact me by clicking or calling the phone number below.