2019 - Taking One Day at a Time towards Success!

It’s that time of year again. Everyone asking, “What’s your New Year’s Resolution?” I was so proud of myself this year. I purchased a book that would help me set my goals for the year. I started to fill it out in early December. Before returning to work in the new year, my goals were clear. I’ve never been this ahead of the ball game before. I was so excited! Feeling good. Then January 2nd arrived. I woke up with such a heaviness, lethargic and didn’t want to face the day. It only compounded when I couldn’t figure out why and frustrated that I was feeling this way. Just a couple of days ago I was so pumped up. It’s as if somebody said, “Nope!” They popped the bubble, and reality reared its head. When it was time to act, I just froze and got stuck. Fortunately, one of my goals listed in my pretty, all inspiring book, was to journal at least 10 minutes each day. So, with dread, I pulled it out and began to express my thoughts. Of course, within a few minutes, it dawned on me.


I realized that I already had in my mind that I was going to fail. I always do. I start something and don’t follow through. Why would this year be different? January 2nd was the day to get started and when it came, my fear and overwhelm took over. The thought of failure stopped me in my tracks. So, I had a choice here.

There is always a choice!

Choose to stay in fear and confirm my belief or choose to do just something.

Just one thing!

Well at this point, I was already able to check off one accomplishment on my list of goals. I journaled today. That simple little step of acknowledging one tiny achievement was enough. It reminded me to be patient with myself and to just take one step at a time, rather than focusing on a deadline. Resolutions are great reminders and a time to reevaluate what we want or need. The opportunity to try again. Expectations can be a healthy way of setting clear goals and boundaries. Goals give us a path of direction. But be careful of attaching success with whether you meet them. Success is trying, failing, and getting up again. Not meeting a deadline but that at some point, you reach it. Its not how you get there. It’s about the journey and what you learn about yourself.

Small steps, small achievements, little by little build a path to accomplishment and success.

So, I leave you with my mantra for this month.

One Day at a Time. One Step at a Time.

Emergencies, set-backs, failures, and Life will happen. Guarantee it! But all are opportunities to grow stronger, wiser, smarter. Instead of giving into fear, I encourage you to THANK FEAR for trying to protect you from the pain of failure. Then let fear tag along to show that you can conquer through and overcome.

You Got This!